Were you
the victim
of a priest in
You are
not alone.
Grand Jury Report names 300 Predator Priests. Urges Victims to Come Forward.

Join the Fight for Justice

Please call 302-652-2050 to report information related to sexual abuse by a priest in Pennsylvania, or fill out the form below to speak to an attorney. There is no cost or obligation.

    Dalton & Associates can help you seek justice against your abuser and the Church.

    A shocking Grand Jury Report on sexual assault by Catholic priests in Pennsylvania tells a story of heinous crimes committed by more than 300 priests concealed by the Catholic hierarchy for seven decades. It is a story of lives ruined forever by men who used their position of trust as Catholic clergy to molest and rape little boys and girls.

    Dalton & Associates has represented survivors in some of the largest sex abuse settlements in the nation.

    We have helped victims in cases involving Michigan State and former Olympic Gymnastics Team doctor Larry Nassar resulting in a $500 million settlement, $120 million settlement involving a pedophile physician and Beebe hospital in Delaware and $120 million settlement with the Diocese of Wilmington and various Religious Orders in cases involving sexual assault by clergy.

    Our experienced team is ready to listen and help.

    If you or a loved one may have been sexually abused by a priest in Pennsylvania, please contact us today for a free consultation


    Bart Dalton discusses Pennsylvania Catholic Church sex abuse scandal on NBC.

    Bart Dalton was featured on NBC10 discussing the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report that details extensive allegations of Pennsylvania clergy sex abuse over a 70-year period. Bart outlines what steps the Pennsylvania General Assembly should take to protect survivors of abuse and ensure legal accountability for the decades-long coverup of sexual abuse by Pennsylvania clergy hierarchy.